27 family, children, genealogy and adoption glossaries

To research terminology related to family, children, adoption and genealogy, have a look at the glossaries below. We have also described each one so you can easily choose the glossary that best suits your needs.

Hill Dickinson – A handy glossary of common family law terms and terminology right here.

Dave Thomas Foundtion for Adoption – At loss when it comes to adoption terminology? Here is a short lift of the most commonly used terms when talking about child adoption.

America Adopts – If you don’t know what an adoption decree is, you’ll figure it out here, with the help of this glossary of adoption terms.

Be my Parent – A guide to the adoption and fostering legal, medical and social work terminology you’ll encounter when dealing with such texts.

Infant Adoption Training Initiative – Five pages of adoption terms in this downloadable document.

Intercountry Adoption – Extensive and helpful definitions make up this inter-country adoption glossary of specific terminology.

Adoption Connection – A helpful dictionary of useful adoption related terms and terminology from Adoption Connection.

Fostering Handbook – Another glossary of terms and abbreviations commonly used in fostering and family placement, in 6 downloadable pages.

National Adoptionn Center – An encompassing glossary from the National Adoption Center, from ‘ADD’ to ‘wrongful adoption’.

FindLaw – When beginning the adoption process or trying to decipher some related texts, it might help to first understand some of the related terminology. This handy glossary is also available for download in PDF format.

University of Alabama – A kinship glossary: symbols, terms and concepts useful to know when studying genealogy and family.

Palomar College – Browse through a list of kinship related terminology right here: cross-referenced and with useful schemas.

Libary and Archives Canada – A short list of terms related to genealogy and family history, specific to Canada.

Baby Names – When you undertake genealogy research you will come across some genealogy terminology you might not understand. You can browse through them here, in this glossary of genealogical terms.

PBS – Genealogy documents often contain phrases or words that are no longer used, and that can be difficult to understand. This is a glossary of genealogy terminology.

Genealogy Quest – A list of acronyms you are likely to encounter when browsing genealogy documents and their meaning.

Family Tree Magazine – Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, you won’t get far in tracing your family tree if you don’t understand the lingo, and this glossary aims to build your vocabulary towards that end.

Genealogy Quest – Also from Genealogy Quest, a list of terms and phrases genealogy researchers encounter in legal documents and genealogical reports. This glossary will help you interpret those terms.

Genealogy.com – If you’re tracing your family tree, you’ll probably encounter obsolete, archaic or legal terms that need explaining. Here is a website that will help with that.

FamilySearch – Acronyms and abbreviations can be daunting, but this short yet handy list will demystify them for you.

For Dummies – Genealogists love to abbreviate. Browse through this short list of 30 most common acronyms in genealogy reports.

GenDocs – If you couldn’t find the acronym you were looking for, here is yet another list of genealogical abbreviations and acronyms.

FamilySearch – A multilingual glossary of genealogical terms, with words in Italian, Dutch, German, Finnish and many others.

Geni – This is a listing of accepted abbreviations and acronyms in genealogical reports.

Roots Web – Another list of acronyms and definitions on genealogy. Not that encompassing, but might be just what you’re looking for.

YeInfo – This genealogical glossary contains specific terminology, but also abbreviations and acronyms. You can browse through it alphabetically.

ComPortOne – This glossary of terms and abbreviations is not that encompassing, but it has short and to the point definitions.