69 acronyms and abbreviations glossaries

Did you know that AA stands for almost 200 terms? Acronyms and abbreviations are most of the times a translator’s nightmare. But we are here to help. The glossaries below cover not only general terms, but some of them are specific to certain industries. To make your search easier, we have included short descriptions for each glossary to help you decide which one is likely to have that term you are looking for.

Abbreviations – One of the largest and most comprehensive directories and search engines for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. A fantastic resource. Anything you need – find it here!

All acronyms – Acronyms, initialisms, alphabetisms and other abbreviations. Find them alphabetically, or by categories ranging from business to technology.

Acronym Finder – You can find over 1 million human-edited definitions on this website – also one of the largest dictionaries of acronyms and abbreviations out there! Take a look, you won’t be disappointed!

mediLexicon – Having trouble with any medical abbreviations? Search through this database of over 200,000 medical, biotech, pharma and healthcare acronyms and abbreviations.

University of California – Politics has its own lingo, and the U.S. government is no exception. Here is a guide to U.S. government acronyms and abbreviations to help you understand what those government-released texts refer to.

askacronym – We like this site because it gives you the option of searching acronyms by keyword (e.g. computers, military etc.) Also, not only does it give you the meaning of that acronym (over 12,000 of them), but also a short description. We recommend it!

Acronym Search – Over 50,000 acronyms and abbreviations organised in many categories, from chat to sports. Equipped with a search button, it might be exactly what you’re looking for. Not to mention it is updated very frequently so it will always be up-to-date.

Acronyms List – Browse this vast list of acronyms by letter or by category. Each acronym will have its category listed before their definition.

Wikipedia – From the ever-reliable Wikipedia comes a list of well referenced and cross-referenced acronyms, organised alphabetically.

Laurier Library – Looking for abbreviations specific to the Canadian Government? Then come take a look here. Canadian Government abbreviations, acronyms and initialism at the click of a button.

Hades – An amazing resource for anyone looking for acronyms in any language. Over 45,000 acronyms from 170 languages, from English to Esperanto!

Acronym Guide – A simple guide to acronyms: available only by category, but you might just find what you’re looking for.

Acronyma – One of the best resources available online, if you’re looking for acronyms. 7 different languages, including Italian, French and German and the best part – you can search by acronym or by word!

European Union – An official guide from the European Union of main acronyms and abbreviations, available in 23 of the official EU languages.

About – Any of those French acronyms giving you a headache? Take a look here, where you’ll find not only the meaning in French, but also the translation in English!

D.T.Brown – This is a list of abbreviations commonly encountered in gardening.

Trade Port – This is a glossary specialising in trade and shipping terms. It contains mostly acronyms and it’s also alphabetically categorised.

All Acronyms – A very useful resource containing 139 of the most common air transport acronyms and abbreviations

Abbreviations – With over 6,000 acronyms and abbreviations in the transportation domain, this proves to be a highly valuable resource for all translators out there who encounter difficulties with words related to this field.

All Acronyms – On AllAcronyms you will find 263 abbreviations and acronyms related to the accounting field, which you can search either directly in the Search box or alphabetically.

Abbreviations – Abbreviations offers an extensive glossary of over 2,000 acronyms and abbreviations related to accounting, that are alphabetically arranged.

ICAEW – Next we have a list of acronyms and abbreviations of different organisations, associations, standards and qualifications pertaining to CPAs both from the USA and abroad.

CPA Team – This is a very extensive directory of CPA-related acronyms.

Jax Works – JaxWorks has compiled a list of acronyms related to finance and accounting, alphabetically categorised.

Accounting Financial & Tax – The Accounting Financial & Tax website has compiled a list of the most common acronyms used in the accounting industry worldwide.

Bigger Pockets – Bigger Pockets has decided to focus on the other parts of vocabulary that are often misinterpreted or unknown and in that sense they have compiled a list of dozens of acronyms and abbreviations used by professionals in the real estate industry.

AllAcronyms – Here we have 512 acronyms and abbreviations related to the real estate industry, arranged alphabetically. A big advantage offered by this website is the Search box where you can just type the term you’re looking for and find it much faster.

Real Estate Wiki – This is an acronym list provided by Real Estate Wiki and it’s arranged on multiple groupings of letters to make it easier for you to reach the term you wanted.

Research on Real Estate– Again, another list of acronyms and abbreviations, this time by Delta Alpha Publishing.

AllAcronyms – All Acronyms encloses here another glossary related to the real estate industry, but this time containing close to 500 property acronyms and abbreviations. A very useful tool for any translator who is struggling with information in this domain.

Land Terms – Next we present to you a guide containing the most common acronyms and abbreviations used in real estate listings and classified advertisements. It’s a very extensive list and the Search button represents another big plus.

Westerwelle – Another extensive list of real estate abbreviations.

realestate.com.au – This next Australian website contains a list specialised only in real estate abbreviations.

Century21 – This glossary is being provided by a Canadian-based company and it contains abbreviations pertaining to physical features of real estate properties.

BJ21 – You would have guessed from the name that this website focuses on the Blackjack game. This particular glossary is dedicated to acronyms used in this popular card game. Excellent resource!

Radnor – Acronyms and abbreviations can be daunting. But this glossary will help if you are looking for acronyms related to weapons, ordnance, munitions and explosives.

Wikipedia – A very comprehensive list of military abbreviations and acronyms from Wikipedia. Highly recommended.

European Commission – This is a list of acronyms and abbreviations compiled by the World Health Organization. It describes various pharmaceutical/medical institutions, organisations and agencies around the world.

Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers – A glossary containing only pharmaceutical acronyms arranged alphabetically.

All Acronyms – On AllAcronyms you will find 92 pharmaceutical-related acronyms and abbreviations which you can search either directly by typing in the letters or alphabetically.

Quizlet – Here you can find an extensive list of pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations arranged alphabetically. You can also listen to each word and acronym being read out loud if you’re not quite sure what the correct pronunciation is.

Medword – Medword provides a general pharmacology abbreviations list, where you will find definitions concerning drug prescriptions.

Dale Carnegie Training – The famous Dale Carnegie Training company has put together a list of the top ten acronyms used in the sales training industry. These are all acronyms created to help with the memory retention and learning process, so it’s useful to know what they stand for.

ProZ – A short glossary of financial acronyms.

All Acronyms – As the name suggests: 3,100 finance acronyms and abbreviations in one comprehensive glossary.

Investors – Also a glossary of acronyms, provided by Investor’s Business Daily.

Wikipedia – If you’re having trouble with business and finance abbreviations, Wikipedia offers a long list of such terms, some of them with extended explanations.

CALSTRS – Ever have problems deciphering investing acronyms and abbreviations? This glossary is dedicated to helping you with understanding them. Have a look!

Investors RouteMap – Also a glossary of investment acronyms, an international lexicon of economic, political and financial acronyms which contains the acronym translation and its explanation.

University of Tampere, Finland – A very thorough list covering the most common abbreviations and acronyms used in relation to the US Government.

Military Dictionary – Here you will find an extensive glossary of international relations and security acronyms where you can search any term you need and also on the left side of the page you will find other recommended readings, such as a DOD military glossary, a list of NATO acronyms, European Defence Agency acronyms and many more. All in all, a very useful resource!

Abbreviations – A fantastic resource if you’re looking for political acronyms. It contains over 1,400 acronyms that are listed alphabetically. You can also search for terms directly if you know what you’re looking for.

Engineering-Dictionary – Even more daunting than automotive terms are automotive acronyms. This glossary helps with the matter. Highly recommended for those interested in the matter!

American Chemistry – Abbreviations and organisation acronyms can be daunting, but this 11 page glossary of selected terms, abbreviations and organisations can be of some use.

All Acronyms – 985 engineering acronyms and abbreviations for your own personal use, whatever it may be!

Draftsperson – Acronyms and abbreviations can be hard, but this list of acronyms and abbreviations in engineering and their meaning may shed some light on the situation.

MatWeb – A specific part of engineering are engineering materials. This is a list of metal abbreviations and acronyms.

Your Dictionary – Having precise vocabulary is key when working with engineering materials or when aiming for exact specifications. This is why engineers use abbreviations and this common abbreviations glossary will help you understand what they are talking about.

Wikipedia – Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are used to detail the characteristics of engineering drawings. This article from Wikipedia encompasses these engineering drawings and symbols.

The Engineering Toolbox – No idea how to use abbreviations when writing scientific and engineering texts? This list aims to help you better your abbreviations.

Aleck Associates – A list of common abbreviations found on engineering drawings or in structural engineering, architecture and construction and their meaning.

Your Dictionary – HR Acronyms can give you a headache, but this handy list can help you browse through them and understand them better. It’s organised by category.

College of Sputhern Nevada – Another list of HR acronyms at your disposal! Just take a look and find what you’ve been searching for.

National Institutes of Health – A very encompassing list of commonly-used acronyms and abbreviations, useful for employees, mostly specific to the USA.

All Acronyms – Don’t know what that professional title acronym means? You’re bound to find your answer in this list of 913 professional title acronyms and abbreviations.

Abbreviations – Browse 3653 acronyms and abbreviations related to positions. One of the most encompassing lists available online!

Indiana University – A job code title abbreviation list, mostly used in electronic documents, and useful for deciphering them as well.

University of Illinois – From the University of Illinois, 3 pages of Position/job title abbreviations lists. Download it or browse it online.

Hotel Speak – ADR, FIT, BEO.. are these terms confusing? Then you’ll love this handy A to Z hotel jargon buster!